Our Events

Recent Performances ~ For Adult Ears Only

The Mother Lode Storytelling Guild recently continued our tradition of presenting "For Adult Ears Only," a storytelling concert for ages 15 and up. This is the 20th year of the For Adult Ears Only event, and we were very excited to feature spellbinding master storyteller, Ruth Halpern. Ruth is a writer, artist, and spoken word performer who teaches storytelling in public schools and private workshops. Enjoy the recording!

Our Annual Events

The Mother Lode Storytelling Guild offers a variety of support for storytellers perfecting their craft and also ongoing events for the community at large. In addition to community programs at schools, preschools, and for the elderly and youth in confined populations, our regular events include:

Children’s Concert (February)

90 minutes of song and stories with plenty of audience participation.

For Adult Ears Only (July)

An evening of stories and music for adults, with celebrated national performers.

Murphys Story Slam (October)

A storytelling competition with live judges, cash prizes, and a fun raffle.
The Murphys Story Slam is a convergence of a poetry slam, a comedy show, and a storytelling show. There are five basic rules for the Story Slam. 

1. Keep your story to 7 minutes or less to avoid “the clanging of the old  school bell.” 

2. Stick to the theme. ~Make sure you tell an original story, based on (almost) real life events.  

3. You gotta TELL it with your FACE: No Reading.  

4. Be sure that you have a clear beginning, middle, and ending.  

5. Make 'em laugh, make 'em cry, and have FUN!​​

Tellabration! (November)

A night of storytelling celebrated world-wide on the third Saturday in November

Sierra Story Winds Retreat

A weekend of storytelling for our region and beyond.

In 2014 and 2016, the Guild presented the Sierra Story Winds retreats to resounding success, combining public events, with workshops, professional education, storytelling coaching, and training for tellers of all experience levels, plus performances, networking and good old fashioned fun. These retreats were much loved, and we hope to continue the tradition in the future.